1900 20.11.2011 Cantek tarikh ni..once in a lifetime ;) hari ni hari ahad, very bored sunday..hri ni i read back all my previous entry. ble da baca balik, ingat balik kenangan-kenangan lama. bgos jgk ade blog ni..keep all my memory..mybe lau owg len baca, mst nth ape2, but its just for me ;) so, nita kne salu update, ble baca balik mst conok ^^ Today story : Everything going great with my daily routine, everyday wake up early in the morning, prepared for the bored class until nite, stdy, stdy n stdy..a lot of test upcoming :( such a great days right? ;) but times goes faster than i'm expect. i'm only have about 1 month n half before my final. ( lau xslh la..hehe ) as usual, everyday missing my lovely mummy, yaya, iman, my family, my messy bedroom, n miss my hubby as well. ;( but still, i'm happy with my crazy frens...nasib baik saya ade mereka ;D kami mgira detik-detik untuk ke final bersame-same..hehe skg saya ade patrick star hehe * hubby saya ckp, nk tu...